Xinyan Shan, BUPT


Welcome to Xinyan Shan's Home page

qqq_meitu_3.jpg              Graduate Student,   School of Computer Science and Technology

             Email: sxy AT bupt DOT edu DOT cn

             Mailing Address: 806 New Research Building ,

                                           Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT),

                                           No.10 Xitucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100876, China

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        Now, I am a graduate student in Laboratory of Mobile Robot & Intelligent Technology, BUPT.

        I received bachelor degree of  IS ( information security )  with the graduation project on the security of wireless communication in Xian University of Posts and Telecommunications (XUPT), 2014.

        My research focuses on computer vision, and often motivated by the algorithms of special effect processing of images. My work tends to make the performence of relative alogrithms proposed more effective by programming on GPU. For example, "Gaussian pyramid" plays a prominent role in quatities of major effect processing of images and videos, but is still relatively compute intensiveand time consumed on current CPU systems. Programming on GPU families is very suitable and allows algrorithms by making use of the GPU parallel operation, parallel acceleration processing technique proposed for image using advanced features. Here's a recent talk (from IEEE) that discusses some thoughts on these issues.

Research Interests
